Results for 'Nelson Glenn Dean'

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  1. Evidence for consciousness-related anomalies in random physical systems.Dean I. Radin & Roger D. Nelson - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (12):1499-1514.
    Speculations about the role of consciousness in physical systems are frequently observed in the literature concerned with the interpretation of quantum mechanics. While only three experimental investigations can be found on this topic in physics journals, more than 800 relevant experiments have been reported in the literature of parapsychology. A well-defined body of empirical evidence from this domain was reviewed using meta-analytic techniques to assess methodological quality and overall effect size. Results showed effects conforming to chance expectation in control conditions (...)
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    When immovable objections meet irresistible evidence: A case of selective reporting.Roger O. Nelson & Dean I. Radin - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):600.
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    The Venn Diagram from Hell.Kathleen Dean Moore & Michael Paul Nelson - 2020 - The Philosophers' Magazine 89:84-90.
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    Pheromone traps to suppress populations of the smaller European elm bark beetle.Martin C. Birch, Richard W. Bushing, Timothy D. Paine, Stephen L. Clement, P. Dean Smith, Albert O. Paulus, Jerry Nelson, Otis Harvey, F. Shibuya & Y. Paul Puri - 1977 - In Vincent Stuart, Order. [New York]: Random House.
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    Forming Professional Bioethicists: The Program at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.Michele Carter, H. Phillips Hamlin, Jennifer Heyl, Glenn C. Graber, James Lindemann Nelson & Linda A. Rankin - 2000 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 9 (3):418-423.
    As a way of contributing to bioethics' understanding of itself, and, more particularly, to invigorate conversation about how we can best educate future colleagues, we present here a sketch of the quarter-century-old graduate concentration in medical ethics housed in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Our hope is to incite other programs to share their histories, strategies, problems, and aspirations, so as to help the field as a whole get a clearer sense of how we are (...)
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  6. A Journey of Faith: An Introduction to Christianity.H. Wayne Ballard, Donald N. Penny, W. Glenn Jonas & Dean M. Martin - 2002
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    Two Replication Studies of a Time-Reversed (Psi) Priming Task and the Role of Expectancy in Reaction Times.Marilyn Schlitz, Daryl Bem, David Marcusson-Clavertz, Etzel Cardena, Jennifer Lyke, Raman Grover, Susan Blackmore, Patrizio Tressoldi, Serena Roney-Dougal, Dick Bierman, Jacob Jolij, Eva Lobach, Glenn Hartelius, Thomas Rabeyron, William Bengston, Sky Nelson, Garret Moddel & Arnaud Delorme - 2021 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 35 (1):65-90.
    Two experiments involving an international collaboration of experimenters sought to replicate and extend a previously published psi experiment on precognition by Daryl Bem that has been the focus of extensive research. The experiment reverses the usual cause–effect sequence of a standard psychology experiment using priming and reaction times. The preregistered confirmatory hypothesis is that response times to incongruent stimuli will be longer than response times to congruent stimuli even though the prime has not yet appeared when the participant records their (...)
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    Yield Curve Modeling and Forecasting: The Dynamic Nelson-Siegel Approach.Francis X. Diebold & Glenn D. Rudebusch - 2013 - Princeton University Press.
    In this book, Francis Diebold and Glenn Rudebusch propose two extensions of the classic yield curve model of Nelson and Siegel that are both theoretically rigorous and empirically successful.
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    Thomas Hobbes, Translations of Homer, 2 vols, edited by Eric Nelson. Clarendon, UK: Oxford University Press, 2008.Dean Hammer - 2011 - Political Theory 39 (1):166-169.
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    Dean A. Kowalski, ed. (2007) The Philosophy of the X-Files.Andrew Patrick Nelson - 2010 - Film-Philosophy 14 (1):326-331.
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    Incompleteness Via Paradox and Completeness.Walter Dean - 2020 - Review of Symbolic Logic 13 (3):541-592.
    This paper explores the relationship borne by the traditional paradoxes of set theory and semantics to formal incompleteness phenomena. A central tool is the application of the Arithmetized Completeness Theorem to systems of second-order arithmetic and set theory in which various “paradoxical notions” for first-order languages can be formalized. I will first discuss the setting in which this result was originally presented by Hilbert & Bernays (1939) and also how it was later adapted by Kreisel (1950) and Wang (1955) in (...)
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  12. How Noam Chomsky is discussed.Glenn Greenwald - unknown
    One very common tactic for enforcing political orthodoxies is to malign the character, "style" and even mental health of those who challenge them. The most extreme version of this was an old Soviet favorite: to declare political dissidents mentally ill and put them in hospitals. In the US, those who take even the tiniest steps outside of political convention are instantly decreed "crazy", as happened to the 2002 anti-war version of Howard Dean and the current iteration of Ron Paul (...)
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  13. Variations on a theme of Nelson Goodman as arranged by Glenn Gould for the piano phonograph.Colin Symes - 2008 - In Mine Doğantan, Recorded music: philosophical and critical reflections. London: Middlesex University Press.
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    History Making History: The New Historicism in American Religious Thought by William Dean.Joseph Mangina - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (3):540-545.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:540 BOOK REVIEWS automatically without requiring the intervention of human beings who are convinced of its validity" (p. 356). If, however, a representative legislature, acting according to proper constitutional procedures, should decide to effect a strict egalitarian redistribution of property, then on Kant's theory this decision of the general will would be perfectly rightful and legitimate. The wealthy could not complain that their rightful property was being taken from (...)
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    Thomas Hobbes: Translations of Homer: The Iliad and the Odyssey.Eric Nelson (ed.) - 2008 - Clarendon Press.
    Eric Nelson presents the first critical edition of the translations of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey composed by the great seventeenth-century philosopher and political theorist Thomas Hobbes. Nelson shows that these translations are not only of great literary interest but offer special insights into Hobbes's own thought.
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    God and Evil. Readings on the Theological Problem of Evil. Edited by Nelson Pike. [By Various Authors.].Nelson Pike - 1964 - Prentice-Hall.
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  17. Mind-Body Dualism.Dean Zimmerman & Penelope Mackie - 2011 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 111 (2pt2):181 - 199.
    I attempt to rebut Dean Zimmerman's novel argument (2010), which he presents in support of substance dualism, for the conclusion that, in spite of its popularity, the combination of property dualism with substance materialism represents a precarious position in the philosophy of mind. I take issue with Zimmerman's contention that the vagueness of 'garden variety' material objects such as brains or bodies makes them unsuitable candidates for the possession of phenomenal properties. I also argue that the 'speculative materialism' that (...)
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  18. Using Two-Argument Chance.Kevin Nelson - 2009 - Syntax and Semantics 166:165--86.
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    Ideas and Animals: The Hard Problem of Leibnizian Metaphysics.Glenn A. Hartz & Catherine Wilson - 2005 - Studia Leibnitiana 37 (1):1 - 19.
    Die Ansicht, dass Leibniz urn 1700 oder einige Zeit danach ein überzeugter Idealist war oder wurde, der allein an die Realität der Geister und ihrer Ideen glaubte, hält sich merkwürdigerweise in der neueren Sekundärliteratur. In diesem Beitrag beurteilen wir die Textgrundlage für diese Behauptung nach von uns für solide gehaltenen Kriterien einer historischen Interpretation, wobei sich die Behauptung unserer Ansicht nach als unzureichend erweist. Obwohl Leibniz zur Überzeugung gelangt war, dass wirkliche "Atome" der Natur keine Ausdehnung hätten, war er sein (...)
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    Evil online.Dean Cocking (ed.) - 2018 - Hoboken: Wiley.
    "I am delighted to offer my highest praise to Dean Cocking and Jeroen van den Hoven's brilliant new book, Evil Online. The confrontation between good and evil occupies a central place in the challenges facing our human nature, and this creative investigation into the spread of evil by means of all-powerful new technologies raises fundamental questions about our morality and values. Cocking and Van den Hoven's account of the moral fog of evil forces us to face both the demons (...)
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  21. Reviewed by Sharon Smith.Nelson Lichtenstein - 2003 - Historical Materialism 11 (4):429-444.
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    Universality Revisited.Nicole L. Nelson & James A. Russell - 2013 - Emotion Review 5 (1):8-15.
    Evidence does not support the claim that observers universally recognize basic emotions from signals on the face. The percentage of observers who matched the face with the predicted emotion (matching score) is not universal, but varies with culture and language. Matching scores are also inflated by the commonly used methods: within-subject design; posed, exaggerated facial expressions (devoid of context); multiple examples of each type of expression; and a response format that funnels a variety of interpretations into one word specified by (...)
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    Merging with the path not taken: Wilhelm Wundt’s work as a precursor to the embedded-processes approach to memory, attention, and consciousness.Nelson Cowan & Nikolay R. Rachev - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 63:228-238.
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    The Current Situation and Our Tasks: Bosteels' The Actuality of Communism.Jodi Dean - 2011 - Theory and Event 14 (4).
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    Reply to Morawski.Nelson Goodman - 1978 - Erkenntnis 12 (1):174 - 175.
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    Thinking Critically About the Assessment of Adult Students in Even Start Family Literacy Programs. Norden & Gary J. Dean - 2003 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 23 (1-2):31-38.
    During the past decade and a half, the field of family literacy has gone from its infancy on the educational periphery toward a position closer to the mainstream. Characteristic ofthe field’s growth is the nation’s largest endeavor in family literacy, the federal Even Start program, which began from scratch in the late 1980s and now claims more than 800 local programs in 50 states and Puerto Rico.Despite several national evaluations of Even Start, no comprehensive study in the family literacy literature (...)
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    Corey Brettschneider,Democratic Rights: The Substance of Self‐Government:Democratic Rights: The Substance of Self‐Government.William Nelson - 2008 - Ethics 118 (3):540-543.
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    The Future of the Pharmaceutical Industry: Beyond Government-Granted Monopolies.Dean Baker - 2021 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 49 (1):25-29.
    Just as tariffs lead to economic distortions and provide incentives for corruption, so do patent monopolies on prescription drugs, except the impact is often an order of magnitude larger.
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    Do animals propositionally know? Do they propositionally believe?J. Nelson - 1983 - American Philosophical Quarterly 20 (2):149-60.
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    The last man takes LSD: Foucault and the end of revolution.Mitchell Dean - 2021 - New York: Verso. Edited by Daniel Zamora.
    Part intellectual history, part critical theory, The Last Man Takes LSD challenges the way we think about both Michel Foucault and modern progressive politics. One fateful day in May 1975, Foucault dropped acid in the southern California desert. In letters reproduced here, he described it as among the most important events of his life, one which would lead him to completely rework his History of Sexuality. That trip helped redirect Foucault's thought and contributed to a tectonic shift in the intellectual (...)
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    God and the Land.Stephanie A. Nelson - 1998 - Oxford University Press USA.
    In this pathbreaking book, which includes a powerful new translation of Hesiod's Works and Days by esteemed translator David Grene, Stephanie Nelson argues that a society's vision of farming contains deep indications about its view of the human place within nature, and our relationship to the divine. She contends that both Hesiod in the Works and Days and Vergil in the Georgics saw farming in this way, and so wrote their poems not only about farming itself, but also about (...)
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    Between Inconsistent Nominalists and Egalitarian Idealists.Ralph Nelson - 1996 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 12:113-132.
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    Narrative practices and folk psychology: A perspective from developmental psychology.Katherine Nelson - 2009 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 16 (6-8):6-8.
    Herein developmental psychological research complementary to Hutto's narrative practices hypothesis is considered. Specifically, I discuss experiential development from the perspective of first, second and third person in the acquisition of knowledge and the con-struction and comprehension of narratives, with relevance for theo-ries of 'theory of mind' and in particular tests of the child's understanding of false belief. I propose that the development of distinct third person belief states requires significant developmental work, which is advanced through social sharing of memory and (...)
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    Romantic Contraries: Freedom versus Destiny (review).Nelson Hilton - 1985 - Philosophy and Literature 9 (2):232-233.
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    Sittlichkeit und Bildung.Leonard Nelson - 1971 - Leonard Nelson, Gesammelte Schriften 8.
    Der vorliegende Band der Gesammelten Schriften Leonard Nelsons faßt die neben den großen systematischen Werken zur praktischen Philosophie stehenden Einzelarbeiten zusammen, in denen Nelson ethische und pädagogische Fragen behandelt. Gerade in ihnen tritt der charakteristische Zug Nelsonschen Philosophierens in besonderer Weise hervor: die enge Wechselbeziehung zwischen dem Bemühen um wissenschaftlich strenge Begründung auf der einen Seite und dem um praktisch vordringliche Fragestellungen und Ergebnisse auf der anderen. Auch in konkreten Sonderfragen geht es Nelson stets darum, mit dem gesicherten (...)
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    Boża wszechwiedza a dobrowolne działanie.Nelson Pike - 2008 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 56 (2):407-424.
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    The Logic of Perfection and Other Essays in Neoclassical Metaphysics.Nelson Pike - 1963 - Philosophical Review 72 (2):266.
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    What’s Right about Validity?Nelson Pole - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 52:69-80.
    During the last third of the 20C, public discourse in the United States has become increasingly acerbic. Parallel to this development there has been an increasing enrollment in College level logic courses, courses that focus on arguments and their appraisal. Could there be a connection? A number of majorphilosophers do not just see arguments as either 100% correct or 100% incorrect. Notable in this regard are Plato, Aquinas and Hume. Their approach to “logic” and that of others is offered as (...)
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  39. Henry Allison, Kant's Transcendental Idealism: an Interpretation and Defense Reviewed by.Nelson Potter - 1985 - Philosophy in Review 5 (3):93-95.
  40. Kant on Duties to Animals.Nelson Potter - 2005 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 13.
    Kant behauptet, daß wir nur indirekte Pflichten haben können, von Grausamkeiten und Gewalt gegen Tiere abzusehen. Pflichten dieser Art seien direkte Pflichten gegen uns selbst, um unseren moralischen Charakter nicht zu verderben, aber könnten nicht direkte Pflichten gegenüber den Tieren sein, weil Tiere keine rationalen Wesen sind. Diese Sichtweise erscheint unbefriedigend, da die Tiere die Opfer einer solchen Mißhandlung sind, wenn sie stattfindet, und die Vorstellung, daß wir keine direkten Pflichten ihnen gegenüber haben sollen, erscheint merkwürdig. Ich plädiere dafür, daß (...)
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    Washington Stage Guild’s Charming Magic.Nelson Pressley - 2011 - The Chesterton Review 37 (1/2):266-267.
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    Implementing Dempster's rule for hierarchical evidence.Glenn Shafer & Roger Logan - 1987 - Artificial Intelligence 33 (3):271-298.
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    Biology and Feminism: A Philosophical Introduction.Lynn Hankinson Nelson - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book provides a unique introduction to the study of relationships between gender and biology, a core part of the feminist science research tradition which emerged nearly half a century ago. Lynn Hankinson Nelson presents an accessible and balanced discussion of research questions, background assumptions, methods, and hypotheses about biology and gender with which feminist scientists and science scholars critically and constructively engage. Writing from the perspective of contemporary philosophy of science, she examines the evidence for and ethical implications (...)
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    Emotion in the neutral face: A mechanism for impression formation?Reginald B. Adams, Anthony J. Nelson, José A. Soto, Ursula Hess & Robert E. Kleck - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (3):431-441.
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    Using Signal Detection Theory to Better Understand Cognitive Fatigue.Glenn R. Wylie, Bing Yao, Joshua Sandry & John DeLuca - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    When we are fatigued, we feel that our performance is worse than when we are fresh. Yet, for over 100 years, researchers have been unable to identify an objective, behavioral measure that covaries with the subjective experience of fatigue. Previous work suggests that the metrics of signal detection theory —response bias and perceptual certainty —may change as a function of fatigue, but no work has yet been done to examine whether these metrics covary with fatigue. Here, we investigated cognitive fatigue (...)
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    Still Quiet After All These Years: Revisiting “The Silence of the Bioethicists”.James Lindemann Nelson - 2012 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 9 (3):249-259.
    Some 14 years ago, I published an article in which I identified a prime site for bioethicists to ply their trade: medical responses to requests for hormonal and surgical interventions aimed at facilitating transgendered people’s transition to their desired genders. Deep issues about the impact of biotechnologies and health care practices on central aspects of our conceptual system, I argued, were raised by how doctors understood and responded to people seeking medical assistance in changing their gender, and there were obviously (...)
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    On freedom: four songs of care and constraint.Maggie Nelson - 2021 - Minneapolis, Minnesota: Graywolf Press.
    So often deployed as a jingoistic, even menacing rallying cry, or limited by a focus on passing moments of liberation, the rhetoric of freedom both rouses and repels. Does it remain key to autonomy, justice, and well-being, or is freedom's long star turn coming to a close? Does a continued obsession with it enliven and emancipate, or reflect a deepening nihilism (or both)? On Freedom examines such questions by tracing the concept's complexities in four realms: art, sex, drugs, and climate. (...)
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    Two components in bipolar scales: Direction and extremeness.Dean Peabody - 1962 - Psychological Review 69 (2):65-73.
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  49. Mind, Self, and Society from the Standpoint of a Social Behaviorist. [REVIEW]Glenn R. Morrow - 1935 - Philosophical Review 44 (6):587-589.
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    Leavis on Tragedy.Paul Dean - 2016 - Philosophy and Literature 40 (1):189-205.
    Returning from the Great War to Cambridge in 1919, F. R. Leavis switched from studying history to studying English. It’s not hard to see why. The academic study of history must have seemed monstrously unreal to him after what he had been through, and the fledgling English School offered, as he later said, “a creative response to change—change in society and civilization that had been made unignorable by the war,”1 in contrast to the Oxford course, which reflected “the habit instilled (...)
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